Monday, March 26, 2007

As promised...

Here are some pics from my portion of the "Quarter Century Celebrations of 2007."

Me and Ky, the Aries of the group. (Yes, that's a tiara on my

Me and Marlie at lunch in the Galleria where we made a new friend that gave us that strawberry cup. lol

Hangin out at Firewater Bar & Grill

Us doin' some line dance at Firewater

Naudia, Tywana and Marla our first night at Pappadauex

My birthday pastry at Grand Lux Cafe
Next up...Kyla turns 25 next month back in my old stomping grounds on the east coast.
As you can tell, I love my friends. I mean, I have to. I wouldn't do this for anyone else. This celebration endeavor is becoming very

I'm officially 25

And I don't know how I feel about it yet...

I had a great weekend. My friends came down and met me in Dallas where we shopped, ate and partied the weekend away.

(More pictures to come...)

Then I came back yesterday and spent some time with the boyfriend - a simple and refreshing dinner and a movie.

I'm old now, and here are just a few things that happened this weekend to prove that fact...
1. On Saturday, after an awesome dinner at Grand Lux Cafe in the Dallas Galleria, I (and all of my friends) climbed into the bed and took a nap before going out.
2. When we did go out later that night, it was only for an hour or so. Then we headed back to the hotel and got back in bed.
3. After getting home around noon, I took another nap.
It's weird, but I feel myself slowing down and not wanting to hang out like I've always done.

I'll take watching a movie at home with the boyfriend, a quiet afternoon with a good book or just a good nap over hanging in the streets.
Guess I just can't do it like I used to...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Life is precious

I know, I know. Everybody knows that.
But do we?

Today I had the unfortunate duty of covering a funeral. It was for a 17-year-old girl, Amanda, who died in a bad car accident. She and her boyfriend, who was driving, were hit by an 18-wheeler. Her boyfriend survived. She did not.

As I stood in the back of the church, listening to the service, surrounded by her grieving family and friends, I realized that that could have easily been me. How many times had I gotten a ride from a friend or boyfriend that could have been my last? How many times have I been behind the wheel, not paying attention?

I think we always believe "That can never happen to me."
But ask Amanda. It can.

Though I hated it, I guess it was a good reminder of all those cliches about life we tend to ignore:
We never know when it's our turn so don't put off tomorrow what you can do today.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Life is precious.